Diablo 3 Season 30 Guides for All Classes
Diablo 3 Season 30 Start Date
The start date for Diablo 3 Season 30 is January 12th. Patch notes can be found here.
What’s New?
Watch this video to find out about the Soul Shards from Season 25 that return to Season 30 brings of Diablo 3.
Diablo 3 patch 2.7.7 includes massive balance changes, plus the return of the Altar of Rites, Soul Shards, and Visions of Enmity.
Diablo 3 Season 30 Tier List
These are the best builds for Diablo 3 patch 2.7.7 season 30 based on past and PTR performance for solo GR pushing. Everything currently end-game viable, ranked in order of power. All these builds are T16 (Torment 16) viable.
Watch the video for a full explanation!
Season 30 Fast Leveling Guide
Altar of Rites Complete Guide

Diablo 3 Season 30 Build Guides
Demon Hunter
Witch Doctor
Other Diablo 3 Guides
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How to get the Fallen Pennant
This is how to get the Khazra or Fallen Shaman Pennant in Diablo 3. Act 2, Stinging Winds, Graw the Herald.
How to get the Crowbar Transmog
A video on how to get the Half-Life crowbar cosmetic transmog "Mace of the Crows" in Diablo 3. No need for menagerist pet goblin; you get mace of the crowbars from Act 3 Barracks Level 2 in a Mysterious Barrel.
How to get the falcon wings
Video on how to get the falcon wings in Diablo 3. No need for menagerist pet goblin; you get falcon's wings from Act 4 Gardens of Hope 1st tier in a Mysterious Chest.
Sprinter Conquest / Speed Racer
Diablo 3 conquest achievement - Sprinter / Speed Racer. Complete campaign in under 1 hour.